Thursday, May 4, 2023 | 8:00PM-9:30 PM EST | REGISTER FOR ZOOM
12 Questions with Laura Hein
Featuring: Laura Hein, Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of History, Northwestern University
Interviewer: Kirsten Ziomek, Associate Professor of History, Adelphi University
On the eve of the highly anticipated publication of The New Cambridge History of Japan Volume III: The Modern Japanese Nation and Empire, c. 1868 to the Twenty-First Century, please join us via Zoom for an interview with Laura Hein, the general editor of the three-volume series and editor of volume III. It has been over thirty years since the original Cambridge History of Japan first came out. Much has changed since then in terms of how the history of Japan has been conceptualized and written about. Interviewer Kirsten Ziomek will ask Laura Hein a wide range of questions about the past, present, and future writing of the histories of modern Japan, through the lens of the old and new Cambridge histories. There will be significant time for audience questions and discussion. This event is not to be missed!
Click HERE for a shareable PDF flyer!
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